Please check the list below for your musicianship class materials:

Preliminary Musicianship 

  1.   Stationery (pencils, rubber, ruler.)
  2.   Plain Notebook
  3.   A4 size zipper file bag to keep the hand-outs 

Progressional Musicianship 

  1.   Stationery (pencils, rubber, ruler.)
  2.   Plain notebook  
  3.   Music manuscript with large staves ( the wider gap between lines, the better. ) 
  4.   A bunch of flip flashcards on a ring
  5.   A4 size zipper file bag to keep the hand-outs 

Grade 1 Musicianship 

  1.   Stationery (pencils, rubber, ruler.)
  2.   Music manuscript with large staves ( the wider gap between lines, the better. ) 
  3.   A bunch of flip flashcards on a ring
  4.   A4 size zipper file bag to keep the hand-outs